Major events and public works often involve the occupancy of the public domain. To make the process of permits and information provision run smoothly, more than 180 cities and municipalities rely on Eaglebe software. Recently, Eaglebe users enjoy the most reliable address information for all of Belgium from one central source: Belmap.
Are you organizing a neighborhood party or placing a container for the renovation of your house? Then chances are that the request will go through Merkator's Eaglebe platform. The integration of GIM into the Merkator group creates new opportunities to offer Eaglebe users an even better experience.
A safer public domain
Eaglebe connects contractor, event organizer, local government, police, fire and other services to ensure safety during works and events. To this end, users must have a reliable picture of potential conflicts on the public domain at any time.
Central to Eaglebe is the user-friendly map app. To feed this with the most up-to-date information, the app integrates various external data sources, such as, for example, the GIPOD platform for public works and the e-tool of Sport Vlaanderen.
Correct address information is also key for Eaglebe users. Missing house numbers, unknown new residential developments and other gaps slow down the smooth flow of permit applications and create an additional burden on municipal services.
All addresses from one central source
This is where Belmap comes in, GIM's 3D digital twin of the Benelux. The address information in Belmap relies on the smart integration of various data sources, supplemented by almost real-time feedback from users in the field.
The Belmap API feeds Eaglebe with the most up-to-date address information on the entire Belgian territory. Moreover, users get extra functions at their disposal to find the right address in Eaglebe even faster.
The result is there: a smoother request procedure and less administrative work. Everyone happy!